My Story…

Hi! My name is Kizzy and I am a wife, mom, and early years educator who believes I can help parents, caregivers, children, and the world, through laughter and education. Way to start my intro, huh? That's me in a nutshell - up for any challenge that will make a difference in the lives of others.

The long story is: I was born and raised in Delaware, and grew up with 5 siblings (4 older, 1 younger) and loads of older cousins, so being the youngest in my family was frustrating, to say the least. I was either too young or too old for either group but was ultimately forced to spend time with my younger cousins. It was hard to understand them, mainly because of the age difference but I learned by connecting with my younger self which bridged the gap and made life easier when interacting with them.

Now, looking back on my life as a young child, I realize my own perspective was not always understood either and because of that I have grown more committed to making a positive difference in the lives of young children, and ultimately, the world by helping adults understand how young children “work”.

As a child, I was always one to ensure everyone around me was happy. Not just happy with themselves or their circumstances at the time, but happy with me, specifically. Simply put, I was a people pleaser. I always told myself if others were happy with what I do, they will “accept” and be happy with me, so I went with that and grew up unhappy as a result. I was busy ensuring everyone else’s happiness at the risk of my own and it made me retreat in the darkness at every turn. Now let me say that I personally don’t think there is anything wrong with wanting to please or make other people happy. I just didn’t put the importance on my own happiness first.

Needless to say, I managed to make it through life enough to create friendships (though I had a hard time maintaining them), find my independence, have children, get married, so forth and so on. But I was still unhappy. It’s safe to say I had demolished my self-esteem and confidence due to the lack of focus on myself and my needs. Depression was near, if not already a part of my life.

Fast forward to 2010, after the devastating loss of my 12-year-old son, Tahsaan. What a way to turn my world upside down! The pain, the disbelief, the self-torment, guilt, and blame. All that while already not knowing who I was. It was bad. Though I experienced ultimate sadness, my mental and emotional state made it so I didn’t know how I was supposed to mourn, grieve, “accept” his death, or even continue to live. To make matters worse, I continually heard words like, “You’ll be ok. He’s in a better place”, “You are so strong”, “Girl, you are better than me. I would’ve lost my mind by now”, and so many more innocent, yet terrible and negatively impactful words. They did a number on me and I went into an even darker place. One I didn’t think existed in my life - I attempted suicide and I’m so thankful it was a failed attempt and will NEVER travel down that road again! After leaving the hospital embarrassed and deeply depressed, I made a vow to my son (and family) to be better, live better, be happy, and this is my attempt at doing that.

I was in the mental space I was in because I didn’t how to love myself and didn’t have the courage to ask what that even meant, so I faked it. I laughed, nodded, smiled, but cried inside until I couldn’t stand it. I then began to pray/meditate and listened and focused on myself. I went back to the initial seed of pain and realized I needed help as a young child, and I am the only one who can heal the little girl I once was. While I can’t go back in time, I can still heal her/myself by helping children today. I plan to do this by making learning fun and connecting with young children so they know they matter in this world. I need help with this though. That’s where the second part of my mission, you, comes in - helping adults understand how children learn, grow and think.

They need us today so they are prepared for the takeover and when we need to depend on them in the future. So here I am! Creating the opportunity for us all to heal the world, one child, one parent, one community at a time! Now’s the time! I hope you’ll join me.

Ok, enough about me! This journey is about you and your child...making memories together, learning, playing, singing, dancing, and laughing. That is what Giggles and Growth is about, and it was created with you and your child in mind.

Thank you for making this journey a part of your lives!

Let's Giggle, Grow, and Create a Better World Together!!

In Peace, Love and Friendship,

- Kizzy Saunders, Global Peace Seeker


Why Giggles & Growth?