"If you're completely exhausted and don't know how you're going to keep giving this much of yourself day after day, you're probably a good parent."
​ - Bunmi Laditan

It doesn’t take long for young children to figure out who they are in terms of being an individual who has some control over their bodies and in some cases, their adult humans. Well, that is the beginning of what will become at least 2 decades of power struggles and temper tantrums.

Yes, 2 WHOLE decades!!

The good thing is, if guided appropriately, your child will learn through the struggles and hopefully become great leaders who know what they want and how to get it.

Our resources will cover many aspects of early childhood growth and development with the hopes of helping you, their “adult human”, gain a better understanding of who your AMAZING LITTLE HUMANS are!

Browse our resources and please let us know if there are topics you wish for us to cover. Remember, we are here for you, your children, and the world over!

Keep Laughing and Growing!

  • Stay-At-Home Schedule

    Staying home with your child is not an easy feat, so first and foremost - You Rock!

    We thought it would be a big help if we offer a schedule to keep your little one occupied and engaged throughout the day. We threw in a few built-in breaks, mostly with you in mind so please take advantage of them. We suggest you download and print the schedule and hang it on your fridge or playroom wall. Wherever you can easily get to it is ideal. Now go enjoy your babe!

    Thank you for your service and contribution to a better world!

  • Is My Child Ready for Preschool?

    Are you worried your toddler might not be ready for preschool? Concerned about their development? Well, we compiled a preschool readiness milestone checklist to offer you a few ideas of what to expect as your child develops.

    Please use this checklist as a guide only. If you have any concerns about your child’s overall development, please be sure to contact your pediatrician.

    Keep enjoying your little one! They grow fast!

  • Why "Play-Based" Education?

    Did you know that your child learns so much when exploring their world? Just like you, experience is the BEST teacher and play-based education gives your child an opportunity to learn, grow, and thrive on their terms.

    Download this infographic to learn more about play-based education along with simple ways you can incorporate it into your child’s day - no matter where you are!

    Remember: The more happy little humans we create, the more confident and caring they will be as adults, and we can't have one without the other!!

  • Parenting Checklist: Essential Milestones and To-Do's for Every Parent

    Discover the essential steps to effective parenting with our 'Parenting Checklist' infographic. Whether you're a new parent or navigating the challenges of raising a teenager, this checklist provides a roadmap for nurturing your child's development, fostering strong relationships, and ensuring a happy, healthy future. From pregnancy to graduation and beyond, this checklist is your go-to resource for creating a loving and supportive family environment.

    Cherish the years, the moments, the memories!!