[TIP #1] Starting A Childcare Business

I'm just getting started on this exciting venture, but here's one of the things I've learned so far...


This tip can be for anyone starting a new business because you should not go any further than "wanting" to start one if you haven't identified your "why" AND committed to it. Your purpose is the heart of your business and should come from a place much deeper than your external desires (money, freedom, bragging rights, etc.). Knowing the reason why you want to inject yourself into the lives of others (in this case, children, and their families) will keep you motivated when you feel you've had enough. This will happen! You will get tired, frustrated, unmotivated, yada yada, but your purpose should be enough to get you back on track! Believe me! I've been there, and back, on a weekly basis since I started this journey last summer...with Giggles & Growth

The purpose of my early learning center is two-fold: to help young children enjoy learning by incorporating it into their play, and to educate parents and caregivers about young children's growth and development so they can become more patient and present during the most critical time in their lives - the early years. Not only does play-based education hide the fact that children are "learning", it also allows them to "become" in a more authentic and intentional manner. Play-based education promotes autonomy, and choice, increases eagerness to learn and explore, improves social skills, and so much more! In short, play-based education supports, maintains, and grows happy little humans into confident, caring adults!! We can't have one without the other!

For more information about Play-Based Education, enjoy a FREE downloadable infographic by clicking this link.

DISCLAIMER: This is NOT a "my way or the highway" perspective to early learning. There are MANY ways to help young children learn and grow. Play-based is what I connect with.


[TIP #2] Starting A Childcare Business


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